New Interactive LED floor screen for rent
Bring your event to life with a floor LED screen – top resolution, interactive effects, unforgettable experience!
more 19.7.
First Holographic 5G video call, Vodafone
„Holografický hovor je symbolem toho, kam už se posunuly možnosti komunikačních technologií. A nejde jen o nějaký laboratorní test. V Karlových Varech jsme spustili první českou 5G síť, která už je připravená na reálný provoz. Položili jsme tak základy pro budování gigabitové společnosti,“ říká Petr Dvořák, generální ředitel společnosti Vodafone Czech Republic.
more 1.1.
Virtual stage – A new projection technology that will astound your viewers!
Whether you are planning a fashion show, advertising campaign, corporate event or product launch, VIRTUALSTAGE offers an entirely fresh and new presentation option. This technology, based on holographic projection, involves a person or real object interacting with a 3D animation levitating in space.
more 1.7.
SCREENRENTAL.EU on facebook!
Follow us on facebook, new videos, new references, new projection technologies ... all easy accessible from your facebook account.
more 26.9.
Festival of Light and Video Mapping
From 27 September to 1 October 2011, the Festival of Light and Video Mapping brings unique lighting installations to Olomouc that can be admired on various buildings and palaces on the city’s upper square, Horní náměstí. The city’s town hall will be illuminated as well, and offers several interactive surprises.
more 6.9.
The New Dreamoc Scandinavia Series
Scandinavian design has since the 1950’s been equivalent to elegance and simplicity produced in high quality. The basic idea is to make useful and stunning products available to not only the wealthy, but also the common man who wants to enjoy the combination of beauty and function.
more 8.2.
Videomapping in Altes Stathaus, Berlin
Screenrental ensured production and technics for videomapping which took place at Christmas party in Berlin.
more 4.5.
Video Mapping Show Jeseník 2010
International opening of the turistic season 2010 in Jesenik city.
more 24.5.
Interactive Touch Screen 3x2m
This Interactive Touch Screen was made by using FogScreen's laser interactive sensor. The game "falling 7" was very funny on this interactive screen with 3x2m size.
more 6.4.
FogScreen® R-Series projection screen
First specialty walk-through projection screen for retail and digital signage